Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ten Things That Make Me Happy

Okay, so this tag is going around and most bloggers just "tag everyone" so here it goes. When thinking about what makes me happy a lot of things came to mind, it was tough to narrow it down to 10 (so I didn't).
10 things that make me happy!

1. A day at the beach

2. Ice cream and gelatto (favorite: orange pineapple)
3. Shopping: Lush, Nordstrom, Sephora, Coach

4. Tattoos

5. TV: Weeds, Dexter, True Blood, 24

6. Spending a rainy day reading a good book

7. My poodles (Sophie and Bella)

8. A cold beer with friends after a long day at work

9. Buffalo Wings
10. Coffee

Honorable Mention- Chocolate


  1. Mmmm ice cream and buffalo wings. Me likey! :)

  2. Hi I just stumbled upon your blog and loved it! I knew I would like your blog the moment I saw the Audrey header!!! Oh and I am also an English teacher!!!
    You can check out my blog (brand new too!) here:

  3. Great price for the gel, may have to try it.
